Produce Prescription (Rx), powered by DC Greens

DC Greens’ award-winning produce prescription program — known as “Produce Rx” or “PRx” — is just what it sounds like: a program that prescribes fresh fruits and vegetables. Produce Rx is part of DC Greens’ work in Food Is Medicine, which aims to increase access to critical nutrition programs through D.C.'s health care system.

Para aprender más de Produce Rx, puede contactar el equipo por correo electrónico o llamarnos a 202.601.9200 (oprima 220 o 221.)

How does Produce Rx work?

Through our program, participating medical providers identify patients receiving Medicaid who have been diagnosed with a diet-related chronic illness and are also facing barriers to food access. Providers enroll the patient in our program and prescribe them fruits and vegetables.

Once enrolled, our Produce Rx program provides the patient with monthly funds to buy those fresh fruits and vegetables using a Fresh Connect card*, which works like a preloaded debit card. When patients shop at Giant, Safeway, Walmart, or Harris Teeter, they simply slide their card at checkout, and the produce purchases are removed from their grocery bill.

*About Fresh Focused Incentive Mastercard® Prepaid Card

Children and Families Produce Rx One-Year Pilot

The DC Greens Children’s and Families PRx Program was a one-year pilot designed to expand Food Is Medicine access and allow families with children on D.C. Medicaid to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables.

The pilot concluded in December 2023. You can learn more about the program’s success and learn key insights by reading our April 2024 report.

Nutrition Education Resources

Healthy Living by Giant

Produce Rx proudly partners with Healthy Living by Giant for a variety of nutrition education opportunities. Giant offers these resources and their programming in both English and Spanish!

Click below to access their offerings.


Please contact the Produce Rx team at or 202-601-9200 and press 2 for more information about DC Greens’ Produce Rx program.